When I cast my mind down,

I fight to gain focus, which would never loss till dawn

My pen becomes jealous of whit it produces,

Love is to escort my mind whenever it goes and make sure it never refuses.

But a common swing of a door, would be like a contender,

Oh! I fell like eliminating the offender,

Because a great construction has been ruined,

If I had a gun I would pierce it in his head and blow his brain off, for against me he has sinned.

Putting your brain down is not child’s play,

When people see me in that state I turn to prey

Then they tend to distract most,

Don’t worry when I see such again only heaven can forgive me in his coast.

Please allow our champions to show us the light,

Unworthy men stay off and ladies play cool because it’s night,

Let’s see and bring forth light to the world.

If you feel I am wrong don’t do it by word.

Written By

Ugwu Leonard

Political Science.

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